SimpleLegal Reporting: Freeing legal data from its shackles

As the 2022 CLOC Global Institute conference in Las Vegas demonstrated, corporate legal departments heavily rely on metrics to improve the management of the department and their law firms. As every legal department evaluates itself on different KPIs, it’s difficult for the reporting capabilities offered by legal technology to fully meet expectations. To further compound the problem, reporting is often limited to the data that technology vendors choose to expose to their customers.
After nearly a decade of partnering with hundreds of legal teams of all sizes and maturity, SimpleLegal understands the value of reporting and the role it plays in the success of the legal team. We’ve continued to expand our knowledge and learned that reporting supports the way today’s legal teams operate to:
- Keep a pulse on department performance to identify opportunities and trends, assess risk, and validate the overall legal strategy.
- Build trust and position themselves as trusted business partners by sharing the progress and success achieved.
- Impress leadership and showcase legal’s business acumen and data-chops (which by the way is a top 5 responsibility expected of legal ops).
The need for stellar reporting is very real, and what’s existed in the market wasn’t quite hitting the mark. In classic SimpleLegal fashion, this presented an opportunity for us to build something really cool and truly valuable for our customers – and help push the overall legal tech market towards a world where legal data can shed its limitations.
That’s why we are excited to announce the next chapter in SimpleLegal’s reporting journey, Enhanced Reporting!
The next evolution of SimpleLegal’s reporting
Robert Frost once said, “Freedom lies in being bold,” and that’s exactly what SimpleLegal kept in mind when starting on our journey to improve our reporting capabilities. We wanted to empower our customers to create and customize their own reports and remove as many restrictions as possible on what they could report on, because ultimately, they know their business best. And, we wanted to do it in a bold way.
Enhanced Reporting provides powerful business intelligence functionality like data visualization, the ability to self-author reports, and easy sharing of reports and dashboards. Robust datasets and capabilities allow reporting across legal spend, matters, vendors, budgets, and more.
Our primary goal is to provide customers the capabilities necessary to leverage their intimate knowledge of their business and create reports that truly answer the unique business questions they have. We believe that the needs of each legal department aren’t cookie-cutter, and reporting shouldn’t be either!
Enhanced Reporting unleashes legal data and makes it easy to tell legal’s story with the ability to:
- Build your own reports using our no-code report builder and save them for future access.
- Clone and customize existing SimpleLegal reports and tailor them to your needs, like adding or removing data points.
- Incorporate custom fields so your reports and department speak the same language.
- Leverage a robust library of chart types to quickly uncover insights hidden in your data.
- Share reports, even individual charts, to help key stakeholders stay in the know.
- Create and customize filters that make it easy to dive into data, such as by fiscal year, and uncover the answers to critical business questions.
While Enhanced Reporting is a huge upgrade in and of itself, SimpleLegal’s not stopping there! We know that good reporting will continue to be a need for our customers so it’s one of our biggest priorities from an R&D perspective. We even have a team that’s dedicated to focusing on how to grow and improve our reporting capabilities, improve the user experience, address evolving needs, and expand value for our customers!
For more information on Enhanced Reporting, download our datasheet, or schedule a personalized demo and see it in action.